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Leav and Steinberg Team

Not Following Doctor’s Orders Is Not Medical Malpractice

Medical Malpractice is “the improper or poor performance of a physician, … and other medical professionals.” Malpractice can be intentional or negligent due to an error or omission on the part of the doctor. If a person does not follow a doctor’s instructions or checks themselves out of a hospital, it is not the doctor’s … Read more

Blue Bikes Offer New Transportation Mode, But Dangers Still Abound

Blue bicycles emblazoned with “citi bike” are becoming ubiquitous around New York City. On May 27, 2013, the Citi Bike program opened to Manhattan and parts of Brooklyn. The program started with 6,000 bicycles at more than 300 stations. The “city has added more than 350 miles of bike lanes in recent years” in order … Read more

Exploding Gas Tanks Leads to Major Vehicle Recall

Exploding cars are de rigueur in action movies. But in real life, it is pretty scary. Think about the Ford Pinto and one pictures exploding gas tanks. This was used to great comic effect in the movie “Top Secret,” a parody of WWII spy movies. But there have been “32 rear-impact collisions that caused fatal … Read more

First Responders Delayed By Human Error

9-1-1. It is commonly the first phone number parents teach their children. It “is the emergency telephone number for the North American Numbering Plan.” And with this dedicated number, we have expectations of extremely rapid service when we call 911. But sometimes human error can delay first responders. History of 911 The push for the … Read more

Being Chauffeured by Rosie the Robot

Would a car accident involving a driverless car be covered by New York’s no-fault insurance law? (N.Y. ISC Law § 5103) What if a car could drive itself? You could read the New York Times or Wall Street Journal from the driver’s seat or work on your personal computer while HAL drives you to work. … Read more

Walking Through New York

Subways and taxis are common ways to get around New York City. But an ever more common and older method of transportation is walking. There are sidewalks throughout Manhattan and the boroughs. And on these sidewalks are many pedestrians walking to various destinations. The City of New York Parks & Recreation department has a program … Read more

Train Crash Highlights Rail Dangers, But Also Improvements in Rail Safety

Connecticut Train Crash Highlights Rail Dangers, But Also Improvements in Rail Safety Back in the 1980’s there was a radio commercial encouraging people to “take the train to the plane.” If you think about it even a little bit, the tune will come to you. New York City is well known for its subway trains … Read more

Toxic Mold and Sick Buildings – How to Protect Yourself

Under the lip of the kitchen sink. In the corners of the shower. Around the base of the bathroom sink faucet. Then there are always the science experiments in the back of the refrigerator. These are common areas of mold growth. Mold can be a good thing, like penicillium that produces the antibiotic penicillin. But … Read more

Food Poisoning and Possible Legal Recompense

There is a reunion or a wedding reception or another party at a hotel ballroom. The room is resplendent in opulence and old friends are renewing acquaintances. Dinner is announced and everyone sits down for a feast. After a wonderful evening, the attendees return home with wonderful memories. But after a day or two, the … Read more

New York State Crime Victim Board’s Eligibility for Surviving Spouses May Soon Include Domestic Partners

Regardless of where one sits on the issue of rights to domestic partners, there have been some current legislative activities in the New York state legislature that people should give some attention. The New York State Assembly Bill # A04024 is a bill intended to amend the executive law, “in relation to eligibility of domestic … Read more