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Leav and Steinberg Team

The FDA Takes Serious Notice of E-Cig Dangers: As Leav & Steinberg, LLP reported last week the concern for safety and dangers of E-Cig/Vapor use is alarming

As reported last week by Leav & Steinberg, LLP, the FDA is now sending a signal to all manufaturers of E-Cig and Vape products that they are considering banning the use and sale of these harmful products which are unfairly targeting the young.

Leav & Steinberg, LLP: Alert to all those who suffer from or have family members addicted to E-Cigarettes/Vaping/JUUL

The dangers of E-cig and vaping is becoming obvious to all except those who can’t control the urge to use these products. The time has come to consider changes and litigation for all those suffering from the dangerous effects of these prodcuts

Dangers of E-Cigarettes-beyond exploding they are more dangerous than the manufacturers and distributors are telling us

The obvious and hidden dangers of E-Cigarettes are becoming well known and openly discussed. Leav & Steinberg is investigating cases of E-cig explosions and the hidden dangers that may cause long term illnesses to those young and old who are using it