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Leav and Steinberg Team

The FDA Takes Serious Notice of E-Cig Dangers: As Leav & Steinberg, LLP reported last week the concern for safety and dangers of E-Cig/Vapor use is alarming

As reported last week by Leav & Steinberg, LLP, the FDA is now sending a signal to all manufaturers of E-Cig and Vape products that they are considering banning the use and sale of these harmful products which are unfairly targeting the young.

Dangers of E-Cigarettes-beyond exploding they are more dangerous than the manufacturers and distributors are telling us

The obvious and hidden dangers of E-Cigarettes are becoming well known and openly discussed. Leav & Steinberg is investigating cases of E-cig explosions and the hidden dangers that may cause long term illnesses to those young and old who are using it