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What to Do if You’ve Been Hurt by Scaffolding

Although scaffolding is a necessary part of the many construction projects in New York City, it can increase the risk of falls and other injuries. If you’ve been in an accident related to scaffolding, you may be entitled to compensation. Let’s explore New York’s scaffolding laws and how a personal injury lawyer can help you get the money you deserve.

How Do New York’s Scaffolding Laws Affect My Case?

A person walking under a scaffolding tower

Because there’s an inherent risk in using scaffolding, New York City sets a strict set of safety standards that dictate how scaffolding should be erected and used during construction projects. These standards are put in place to protect workers and pedestrians from injury. If you’ve been hurt in an accident related to scaffolding, it may have been caused because these guidelines weren’t properly followed. You may be entitled to financial compensation from the negligent parties who didn’t follow the safety standards.

How Can a Personal Injury Lawyer Help After a Scaffolding Accident?

Personal injury lawyers can help you on several fronts after a scaffolding injury. Here are the three main benefits of seeking the help of a personal injury lawyer:

  • Personal injury lawyers give you time to focus on your recovery while they handle any legal action.
  • Personal injury lawyers will hold owners, contractors, and other liable parties accountable for your injuries with a lawsuit seeking fair compensation.
  • Personal injury lawyers can defend you if the insurance company tries to diminish the value of your claim.

What’s the Deadline for Filing for Workers’ Compensation?

If you’ve suffered your injury while working on a construction site, you’ll need to act quickly. You only have 30 days to notify your employer after the incident, and you have a year to file a claim for workers’ compensation after that. However, in New York, filing for workers’ compensation limits your ability to sue your employer, so you’ll have to decide what’s better for your situation.

If you or someone you know has been hurt by scaffolding, you need to act quickly. The team at Leav & Steinberg LLP has years of experience handling personal injury cases. We can advise you on the best course of action based on the circumstances of your injury. To schedule a free consultation with one of our attorneys, call us at 212-766-5222.